Mommies Rejoice

July 28, 2012  •  5 Comments

Well, ladies and gentlemen and kiddos is officially that time again. Pencils and papers and notebooks, oh my! Time for those that have settled into a slower routine, to flip our switch to school activities and homework and routines again. My head hurts just thinking about it! And this year will be a brand new experience for second child is entering school......I just THOUGHT I had it rough the past few is double trouble now! But at least, for this last week, I get to relish in those few extra minutes of shut eye...and boy will I relish. I am NOT the mother whose kids have driven her so batty that she can't wait for school to begin.....although, they do drive my batty sometimes. I long for days of no routine, no schedule, no hectic scrambling......So here's to next I will be counting the days.......






This was so much fun! And my kids are amazing sports. You can just see their creativity and enthusiam when I present them with a new idea. I'm so lucky that (most of the time) they enjoy the sessions just as much as I do...and truly get involved in the plannning process.


I hope you all are continuing to enjoy the blogs:)





assignment help online(non-registered)
A few organizations helped its crusade to make less expensive cameras and make advanced photography moderate to the open like IBM teamed up with Kodak in making a web based system picture trade.
Kellie Howell(non-registered)
I love your work! Cutest kids too!
Julie Farrar(non-registered)
Love looking at your photo's, they are always so thought out, the props,poses,....and then it's like you have your stage ready lets see what unfolds, they always make me smile or say Awwwww.... I can see how much you've grown since the first pic I seen - till now.
I don't know you at all, but thru your pics of your boys I can tell what kind of person and mother you are.:)
I have 2 daughters and 4 grand kids, can't wait to see what you can do for us!!!! Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.
Beverly Baylis(non-registered)
Your kids are awesome! Great pics!
Terica Spight
Very cute idea...and great pics:)
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