Well, ladies and gentlemen and kiddos alike....it is officially that time again. Pencils and papers and notebooks, oh my! Time for those that have settled into a slower routine, to flip our switch to school activities and homework and routines again. My head hurts just thinking about it! And this year will be a brand new experience for me....my second child is entering school......I just THOUGHT I had it rough the past few years....it is double trouble now! But at least, for this last week, I get to relish in those few extra minutes of shut eye...and boy will I relish. I am NOT the mother whose kids have driven her so batty that she can't wait for school to begin.....although, they do drive my batty sometimes. I long for days of no routine, no schedule, no hectic scrambling......So here's to next summer....as I will be counting the days.......
This was so much fun! And my kids are amazing sports. You can just see their creativity and enthusiam when I present them with a new idea. I'm so lucky that (most of the time) they enjoy the sessions just as much as I do...and truly get involved in the plannning process.
I hope you all are continuing to enjoy the blogs:)